SEI Futures Fund
Invest In The Future Of Structural Engineering

The SEI Futures Fund, administered through the ASCE Foundation, invests in the future of our profession by supporting a broad range of activities which advance the art, science and practice of structural engineering.
By definition, these activities fall outside the annual operating budget of SEI, and without your ongoing philanthropic support, these activities would not be possible.
Show your leadership within the profession and give generously to the SEI Futures Fund. Your contribution, combined with those of your colleagues, will create robust financial support that will strengthen SEI efforts to build a vibrant community of structural engineers.
Your gift impacts strategic initiatives established by the SEI Futures Fund Board:
- Invest in the future of the structural engineering profession
- Promote student interest in structural engineering
- Support younger-member involvement in SEI
- Provide opportunities for professional development
Thank you, donors! Expand the impact of your gift with a share on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn on why you support the SEI Futures Fund and use the hashtag #SEIFuturesFund.