Earl T. Conrad, P.E., F.ASCE
Earl “Tom” T. Conrad, P.E., F.ASCE, is a founder and principal of SCS Engineering with more than 50 years’ experience in civil and environmental engineering, constructions, and energy management. He is a graduate of the University of California with a B.S. in Engineering and is a licensed professional engineer in many states across the country.
More than 40 years of his environmental engineering experience has been in waste management, and the vast majority of it has been in solid waste. Energy management experience includes serving as the Program Manager on SCS’s General Services Administration (GSA) energy schedule contract and blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) for both the GSA and National Park Service (NPS); performing energy and water audits; and conducting retro-commissioning.
Conrad is a Life Member of ASCE and a supporter of the ASCE Foundation. He made a generous gift of stock to the ASCE Foundation, becoming a member of the Foundation’s Founder Society – a group of dedicated and passionate philanthropists.
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